On this page I will be posting errata for the PHB, DMG, and Monstrous Manual. This errata comes from WotC and should help clarify many problems. This errata is based upon the first printing of each book and should not occur in later printings.
I will update this page as more information becomes available.
Player's Handbook
- Page 39, col 2 middle: Change 2 sentences above table: "Usually, a monk's unarmed strikes deal normal damage, but she can choose to deal subdual damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal normal or subdual damage while grappling (see Grapple, page 137)."
- Encumbrance and Armor-Restricted Abilities: "Having a medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for special abilities dependant upon armor. (So for example, a Ranger can't use his special Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting quasi-feats when in Heavy Armor; he also can't use them when carrying a Heavy Load.)"
- The duration of the spell True Strike should read as special. There should be a line of text added to the description that reads: The bonus granted by this spell lasts until your next attack or until the end of the next round.
- Concentration checks to avoid loosing a spell because of damage should be Concentration + Damage + Spell Lv.