This list is for all game masters of the D&D game to discuss thier ideas about thier game and to get new ideas. Anyone from new GMs to old hacks are welcome to post thier ideas and questions. This list is to give all GMs a way to vent thier frustration over thier player's actions or revel in the glory of an adventure well planned and executed.
Over the years many a DM has come up with a brillant idea or plan and never had the chance to use it again because thier players would see through it. Well now you can comunicate those ideas for others to use or comment on so that those ideas will not fade away but become apart of gaming everywhere. So simply sign up below and letgs get those ideas flowing!
Although this list is mostly for GMs it is open to anyone who would like to discuss new ideas or get help for the D&D role playing game.
- This list is for the freedom of ideas, if you don't like someone's idea, do not blast it unless you can give reasons for your distaste. Simply saying "you don't like it" is not enough.
- This is a plain text list, please no HTML tags.
- Do not quote any more than absolutely nessecary in a reply. It might help to set your email program to ask before quoting text in a reply.
- This is a list about AD&D and how to play it, please keep posts on topic.
- Do not post in character, this is a list about the game, not one to roleplay the game.
- It helps to put an informative subject about your post. Try using words like Rules, Spells, Classes, Combat, Magic Items, as well as specific information. This lets others know what you post is about before they read it.
- Foul language is not needed to stress a point. Excesive foul language is never needed.
- The list will now automatically put the reply address as the list, you may need to change this if you wish your reply to be private.
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